E s c o l a F A P E S P

Call for Applications


Based on FAPESP’s previous experience with the “São Paulo School of Advanced Science” program (https://espca.fapesp.br/home/) and, at the international level, with the “Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings” (www.lindau-nobel.org ), as well as the success of the FAPESP 60 Years Schools and the 2023 edition of this event, FAPESP will hold an in-person event called FAPESP Interdisciplinary School 2024, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts from December 8 to 12, 2024, with the objective of offering postdoctoral fellows working in the country in the aforementioned areas of knowledge the opportunity to:

  • Learn about and have contact with the research developed by scientific leaders from Brazil and abroad in various areas of knowledge.
  • Learn about their academic trajectories to better understand how their lines of research were established and the major challenges in their areas of knowledge.
  • Present their work in a short oral format (pitch presentation) and in poster format for discussion with a group of experts in their fields and related fields.
  • Interact with national and foreign researchers to establish lasting professional ties.

The FAPESP 2024 Interdisciplinary School, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts (EHCSA) will last four days and will feature conferences by invited speakers, poster presentation, pitch presentations and discussion sessions, informal conversation sessions, as well as spaces for discussing research projects with a view to establishing future collaborations. Therefore, the successful format of the FAPESP 60 Years Schools (2022) will be maintained, with an innovation in relation to the successful experience of 2023 : the introduction of masterclasses with internationally recognized artist-researchers, who will present their works in the arts to the audience involved in the event.

The school’s program will include the participation of 08 guests from Brazil and abroad with outstanding performance in their areas of knowledge (see list of guests) who will present conferences on their most significant research results and will interact with the 60 participants to be selected by a lottery system. The interaction between participants will take place through Invited Conferences with ample space for questions and debates, Pitch Presentation Sessions of the work of post-doctoral students, Conversations with Guests, or even informally in the free spaces available in the event program. Based on previous interdisciplinary schools, this year we intend to hold the ECNEM (School of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Medicine) and the EHCSA (School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts) simultaneously, to allow for the realization of some joint activities, namely: two Conferences, two Master classes and a field trip are going to involve the group of 120 participants . Based on the evaluations of previous schools, we have included an extra day this year, to maximize the performance of the proposed activities.

Scientific Committee

  • Fernando Ferreira Costa (UNICAMP)
  • Esther I. Hamburguer (USP)
  • Maria de Fátima M. Couto (UNICAMP)
  • Carlos A. Joly (UNICAMP)
  • Ciro Antônio Rosolem (UNESP)
  • Oswaldo Baffa Filho (USP)


The FAPESP 2024 Interdisciplinary School of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts will have 60 participants postdoctoral researchers, 6 lecturers and 2 artist-researchers. Postdoctoral fellows funded by funding agencies, including FAPESP, who work in Brazil in the areas of knowledge covered by the school are eligible for support from FAPESP.

Date and location

The FAPESP 2024 Interdisciplinary School, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts will be held from December 8 to 12, 2024, at the Hotel Dona Carolina in Itatiba, São Paulo.


Registrations will be accepted from September 25 to October 30, 2024, by filling out an electronic form available on this platform.


FAPESP will cover the costs of transportation, accommodation (in a double room), and meals for the selected postdoctoral researchers. The funding does not imply any institutional link with FAPESP or remuneration in kind. Each participant must bear health insurance costs and other extra personal expenses during the school.

Selection of scholarship participants

The school aims to:

  • Offer postdoctoral fellows from funding agencies operating in Brazil the opportunity to learn about the academic and professional experience of successful researchers and scientists from Brazil and abroad.
  • discuss and update the challenges and opportunities in their respective areas of activity.
  • encourage the establishment of national and international collaborations and partnerships.

The 60 postdoctoral fellows participating in the School will be selected randomly, through a draw using an electronic application, respecting the criteria of impartiality, gender and racial diversity, as well as place of residence and affiliation with FAPESP or other funding agencies. A balanced distribution of fellows from FAPESP and other agencies operating in the national territory, as well as those residing in the state of São Paulo and other regions of the country will be sought in order to make the principle of diversity viable. A balanced distribution of gender and racial distribution will also be sought.

The language of the School will be English, and there will be no simultaneous translation.

The results of the selection of participants will be published on the event website and there will be no appeal against the results.

Guest Speakers

The organizing committee selected the eight guest speakers to cover various fields of knowledge within the broad area of ​​“Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts” and based on the excellence of their contributions. We will also have joint activities between the two Schools on cross-cutting themes that can establish academic interactions. Thus, the lectures by professors Manuel Heitor and André Ponce de Carvalho, planned for this project, will be joint activities offered to all scholarship holders from both schools. To establish correspondence between different ways of doing research, the organizing committee also selected two artist-researchers, included in the project from the School of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, from different areas of activity to present their work to the combined audience of both schools. Participants from both schools are scheduled to visit the National Synchrotron Light Laboratory as another activity that will integrate the two schools.

Selected Students

Students selected must present their work in short oral format (pitch presentation) and in poster format for discussion with a group of experts in their fields and related fields.


Announcement of the call

September 25, 2024

Deadline for applications

October 30, 2024

Announcement of results

November 5, 2024

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